Bizitza eta lana batera pentsatzen dituzten proiektu urbanoei buruz, klasean ikusi dugun Dogma estudioak proiekto ezberdin asko ditu. Guztiak aurretik eginiko ikerketa proiektu baten ondorio dira:
Living and Working: How to live together:
Across major European cities today, the increasing visibility of vacant office
space is evidence of the decline of the office typology. Such a phenomenon can
be explained as a consequence of the emergence of new forms of labour where
the distinction between living and working is increasingly blurred. No longer
organized by the traditional 9 to 5 workday, contemporary forms of labour
involve the entire life of workers and their spectrum of social relationships.
Not only work – but also life at large – is thus more mobile, precarious and not
containable within rigid typologies. This condition is even more extreme in the
case of creative work, where the distinction between the realm of living and the
one of working seems to collapse into a common space. Despite this condition,
cities continue to be developed around a clear distinction between the workplace
and housing, a distinction reinforced by a legal framework that considers living
and working as two distinct domains.
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